Microscope Museum

Collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments




A close up of a sign

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Imperiali & Beltramini (Milan, Italy)


A close-up of a book

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Imperiali & Beltramini (1929)

Catalogo generale



A close up of a book

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Frederick F Ingram (1892)

 Products of the laboratory


A black and white advertisement for a telescope

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HN Irving and Son (1960s)




Illustrated annual of microscopy


A book cover with text

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A blue book with black text

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*Illustrated annual of microscopy (1898)

*Illustrated annual of microscopy (1900)



Industrie Francaise des Instruments de Précision


An old book with text on it

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Industrie Francaise des Instruments de Précision (1901)


* Catalogues adapted from the Little Imp Suite of Books and Catalogues on Microscopes and Microscopy (http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/Little-Imp/index.html), after authorisation was kindly conceded from the author Steve Gill. These files are for personal use only, must not be further distributed or hosted online elsewhere, and under no circumstances should they be offered for sale either singly or as compilations without the permission of the respective authors (their contacts can be found in the respective webpages above).