Microscope Museum

Collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments




A black text on a white background

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Ealing (London, England)


A cover of a book

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Ealing (1963)

Optical benches



Edmund Scientific (1979)

Telescopes and other instruments

Edmund Scientific Co (1962)

Telescopes and other instruments

Edmund Scientific Co (1969)



A grey book with black text

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Eimer & Amend (1909)

 Assay and metallurgical laboratory supplies


A black and white photo of a house

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A white paper with text and images

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HW English Optical (1970s)


HW English Optical (1974)




EP (Germany)


A black and white label with a circular design

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A black and white certificate

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A black and white cover with a oval design

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EP (1902)

 Laterna magica nebelbild apparate modell dampfmaschinen heissluft motore

EP (1914)

 Laterna magica projektions apparate

EP (1925)

 Optische mechanische und elektrische spielwaren und lehrmittel


A paper with text and a pattern

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A close-up of a book

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A black and white paper with text

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A black and white paper with text

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F Ernecke (1884)

Physical instruments

F Ernecke (1899)

Rontgen apparate und instrumentarien

F Ernecke (c. 1890)

Physikalische apparate

F Ernecke (1900s)

Physikalische Apparate Chemische





A close-up of a document

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F Ernecke (1902)

Physikalische apparate







J Eynard & Co (Paris, France)


A close-up of a paper

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J Eynard (1890s)

Instruments de urologie





Evans & Wormull (London, England)


A book with gold text

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Evans and Wormull (1889)

Surgical instruments apparatus and appliances


A white paper with black text

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Exposition allemande (1900)

Instruments de optique et precision