American Optical (1940s)
Spencer laboratory microscopes,
series 15, 35, 65, 75
American Optical (1940s)
Spencer medical microscopes
American Optical (1950)
I saw them making microscopes
American Optical (1950)
Spencer equipment for phase
American Optical (1950s)
Polarising microscopes
American Optical (1950s)
Scientific instruments AO Red
American Optical (1950s)
Spencer laboratory microscopes,
series 15, 35, 65, 75
American Optical (1950s)
Spencer microscope accessories
American Optical (1950s)
Spencer scientific instruments
AO Blue book
American Optical (1950s)
Spencer scientific instruments
American Optical (1956)
Stereoscopic microscope series
20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27 and 28, reference manual
American Optical (1958)
The effective use and proper
care of the microscope
American Optical (1960s)
Baker interference microscope
model 7BG-QSW
American Optical (1960s)
Series 682 photomicrographic
cameras, reference manual
American Optical (1960s)
Series 10 Microstar advanced
laboratory microscopes
American Optical (1960s)
Spencer Cycloptic stereoscopic
microscope, reference manual
American Optical (1962)
PhaseStar microscopes
American Optical (1965)
Microstar series 10 advanced laboratory
microscopes, reference manual
American Optical (1966)
Price list for series 10
American Optical (1966)
A new perspective on phase
American Optical (1966)
Series 10 phase microscope
equipment, reference manual
American Optical (1967)
Cycloptic stereoscopic
Optical (1967)
AO Fluorescence
microscope and illuminator
American Optical (1967)
Series 10 Microstar advanced
laboratory microscopes, reference manual
American Optical (1967)
Desk type metallograph No.
2400A for routine control
American Optical (1967)
Series 10 Microstar
American Optical (1967)
Photographic tube adapter for
cycloptic microscopes
American Optical (1967)
Photomicrographic cameras
series 682 and 1070
American Optical (1967)
Series 10 microscopes
American Optical (1967)
Stereostar zoom stereoscopic
American Optical (1967)
Stereostar zoom stereoscopic
microscope, price list
American Optical (1967)
Utility microscope
American Optical (1968)
Series Sixty student
microscope, reference manual
American Optical (1969)
Series 10 Microstar advanced
laboratory microscopes, reference manual
American Optical (1969)
Spencer phase microscope
equipment, reference manual
American Optical (1971)
Model 860 Microtome
reference manual
American Optical (1973)
Series 20 microscope, advanced
Microstar and Phasestar models, reference manual
Optical (1974)
AO series
10 microstar microscopes
American Optical (1974)
Series 10 Microstar advanced
laboratory microscopes, reference manual
American Optical (1974)
Series One-Sixty student
microscope, reference manual
American Optical (1975)
One-fifty microscope
American Optical (1975)
DICV microscopes, differential
interference contrast by incident light
American Optical (1975)
Series 20 Microstar microscopes
American Optical (1975)
820 Rotary microtome
American Optical (1975)
Series 10 fluorescence
microscope and model 645 illuminator
American Optical (1975)
Phasestar microscope
American Optical (1975)
use and proper care of the AO microtome
American Optical (1976)
Dark field condensers. Models
214F, 218F and K2172, reference manual
American Optical (1976)
Dark field condensers. Models
214F, 218F and K2172, reference manual
American Optical (1976)
Zetopan research
American Optical (1977)
AO cycloptic microscope dual
viewing converter
American Optical (1977)
AO cycloptic stereoscopic
microscope, reference manual
American Optical (1980s)
Series One-Fifty standard
laboratory microscope, reference manual
American Optical (1981)
Polstar polarizing microscope
series 110
American Optical (1982)
Stereo Star zoom
American Optical (1983)
Series One-Twenty Microstar
microscopes, reference manual
American Optical (1983)
Reichert compound and
stereoscopic microscopes with related accessories, product review
American Optical (1984)
Reichert forensic microscopes
with related accessories, product review
American Optical (1984)
Reichert Series One-Ten
Microstar advanced laboratory microscopes, reference manual
American Optical (1984)
Reichert series One-Fifty
standard laboratory microscopes, reference manual
American Optical (1985)
Phase contrast
laboratory/teaching microscopes, series 151
American Optical (1985)
Phase star microscopes series
One-Ten, One-Twenty
American Optical (1985)
Series 100 microscope from
American Optical (1985)
Reichert Series 110 Microstart