Listed below are most
microscopes, mechanical stages, lamps and/or other items pictured in the
catalogues of this maker or retailer (for which I have a copy), including
the information about the year each image appeared and a brief description.
publication year
from the catalogue

Ernst Leitz (1870)
Grosses microscop No. I

Ernst Leitz (1875)
Mikroskop No. I

Ernst Leitz (1875)
Mikroskop No. II

Ernst Leitz (1875)
Mikroskop No. III

Ernst Leitz (1875)
Mikroskop No. IV

Ernst Leitz (1875)
Mikroskop No. V

Ernst Leitz (1880)

Ernst Leitz (1880)

Ernst Leitz (1880)

Ernst Leitz (1880)

Ernst Leitz (1880)
Mikroskope No. I

Ernst Leitz (1880)
Mikroskope No. Ia

Ernst Leitz (1880)
Mikroskope No. IIIb

Ernst Leitz (1880)
Mikroskope No. V

Ernst Leitz (1882)
Stativ No. I

Ernst Leitz (1882)
Stativ No. I a

Ernst Leitz (1882)
Stativ No. I b

Ernst Leitz (1882)
Stativ No. II

Ernst Leitz (1882)
Stativ No. III a

Ernst Leitz (1882)
Stativ No. III b

Ernst Leitz (1882)
Stativ No. IV

Ernst Leitz (1882)
Stativ No. V

Ernst Leitz (1885)
Stativ I

Ernst Leitz (1885)
Stativ Ia

Ernst Leitz (1885)
Stativ II

Ernst Leitz (1885)
Stativ III

Ernst Leitz (1885)
Stativ IV

Ernst Leitz (1885)
Stativ V

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Demonstration mikroskop No. 27

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Grosses Praparir mikroskop No. 36

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Mikroskop stativ No. I fur mineralogische Zweeke

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Stativ No. I

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Stativ No. Ia

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Stativ No. II

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Stativ No. III

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Stativ No. IV

Ernst Leitz (1888)
Stativ No. V

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Grand microscope a preparer No. 33

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Microscope demonstrative No. 27

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture I

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture I

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture I (pour
recherches mineralogiques)

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture Ia

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture Ia

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture II

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture II

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture III

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture III

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture IV

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture simple pour
loupe No. 37

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Monture V

Ernst Leitz (1892)
Platine mobile Nº. 83

Ernst Leitz (1893)

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Einfaches praparier mikroskop No. 38

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Einfaches praparier mikroskop No. 40

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Grosses praparier mikroskop No. 36

Ernst Leitz (1893)
stativ I

Ernst Leitz (1893)
stativ II

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Mineralogisches stativ III

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Neuer beweglicher objecttisch No. 83

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Prapariertisch mit
lupe No. 42

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ I

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ I

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ Ia

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ Ib

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ II

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ IIIa

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ IIIb

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ IV

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ V

Ernst Leitz (1893)
Stativ VI

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Demonstration microscope

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Dissecting microscope No. 40

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Dissection microscope No. 38

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Large dissecting microscope No. 36

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Mineralogical stand I

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Mineralogical stand II

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Mineralogical stand III

Ernst Leitz (1894)
New mechanical stage No. 83

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Preparation stage No. 42

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand I

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand I

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand Ia

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand Ib

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand Ib (with English foot)

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand II

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand IIIa

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand IIIb

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand IV

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand V

Ernst Leitz (1894)
Stand VI

Ernst Leitz (1895; 1897)
Beweglicher objecttisch No. 109

Ernst Leitz (1895; 1897)
Binoculare praparirlupe

Ernst Leitz (1895; 1897)
Projectionsapparat nach Edinger No. 90

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Demonstrations mikroskop mit condensor

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Einfaches lupen mikroskop No. 46

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Grosses lupen mikroskop No. 42

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Mineralogisches stativ I

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Mineralogisches stativ II

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Mineralogisches stativ III

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Praparirtisch mit lupe No. 49

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Schlitten mikroskop nach Dr. E. Nebelthau

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ I

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ Ia

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ Ia

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ Ib

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ IIa

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ IIb

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ III

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ IV

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ V

Ernst Leitz (1895)
Stativ VI

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899; 1901; 1903)
Dissecting stage with lens

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899;
1901; 1903)
Large dissecting microscope No. 38

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899;
1901; 1903)
Simple dissecting microscope No. 42

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899; 1901; 1903)
Stand Ia

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899; 1901; 1903)
Stand Ia with English foot

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899; 1901; 1903)
Stand Ib

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899;
1901; 1903)
Stand IIa

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899;
1901; 1903)
Stand VI

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897; 1899; 1901)
Stand I

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897)
Mineralogical stand I

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897)
Mineralogical stand III

Ernst Leitz (1896; 1897)
Stand III

Ernst Leitz (1896)
Demonstration microscope

Ernst Leitz (1896)
Edinger’s projection apparatus No. 84

Ernst Leitz (1896)
Mechanical stage No. 100

Ernst Leitz (1896)
Mineralogical stand II

Ernst Leitz (1896)
Stand IIb

Ernst Leitz (1896)
Stand IV

Ernst Leitz (1896)
Stand V

Ernst Leitz (1897; 1899; 1901; 1903)
Nebelthau’s sliding microscope

Ernst Leitz (1897; 1899; 1901; 1903)
Stand IIb

Ernst Leitz (1897; 1899; 1901;
Stand V

Ernst Leitz (1897; 1899; 1901;
Stand IV

Ernst Leitz (1897; 1899)
Demonstration microscope

Ernst Leitz (1897)
Mineralogisches stativ II

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Binocular preparation microscope

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Demonstration lens-holder / handle

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Dolken’s microscop stand

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Edinger’s projection apparatus

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Horizontal microscope

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Illuminating lens

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Mechanical stage No. 88

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Mechanical stage No. 89

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Screw micrometer eyepiece

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901; 1903)
Turntable N0. 143

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1901)
Mineralogical stand I

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1903)
Mineralogical stand II

Ernst Leitz (1899; 1903)
Simple dissecting microscope

Ernst Leitz (1899)
Mechanical stage No. 89a

Ernst Leitz (1899)
Mineralogical stand II

Ernst Leitz (1899)
Mineralogical stand III

Ernst Leitz (1899)
Stand III

Ernst Leitz (1899)
Stereoscopic binocular microscope

Ernst Leitz (1901; 1903)
Demonstration microscope with condenser

Ernst Leitz (1901; 1903)
Dissecting microscope with erected image after R. Pfeiffer

Ernst Leitz (1901; 1903)
Large travelling microscope

Ernst Leitz (1901; 1903)
Stand II

Ernst Leitz (1901; 1903)
Stand III

Ernst Leitz (1901; 1903)
Stereoscope binocular microscope, Greenough

Ernst Leitz (1903; 1905; 1906;
Stand A, Universal microscope

Ernst Leitz (1903)
Mechanical stage

Ernst Leitz (1903)
Mineralogical stand I

Ernst Leitz (1903)
Stand I

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907;
Beweglicher objekttisch

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907;
Beweglicher objekttisch

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Beleuchtungslinse auf statif

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Binocular dissecting microscope

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Demonstration microscope

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Demonstrations lupenstativ

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Einfaches lupen mikroskop

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Grobes lupen mikroskop

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Horizontal reading microscope

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Nebelthau’s traversing microscope

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Praparirtisch mit lupe

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
R. Pfeiffer’s erect vision dissecting microscope

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Reise trichinenmikroskop

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Stativ Ia

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Stativ Ia

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Stativ II

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Stativ IIa

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Stativ V

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906; 1907)
Stativ VI

Ernst Leitz (1905; 1906)
Reise mikroskop

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Beweglicher objekttisch

Ernst Leitz (1905)

Ernst Leitz (1905)

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Mineralogisches stativ I

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Mineralogisches stativ II

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Mineralogisches stativ III

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Stativ I

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Stativ Ib

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Stativ IIb

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Stativ III

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Stativ IV

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Stativ nach Dollken

Ernst Leitz (1905)
Zeichen un projektionapparat nach Edinger

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907; 1909)
Grande platine à chariot

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907; 1909)
Platine a chariot

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907; 1913; 1920

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Grande monture mineralogique A

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Grande monture pour
loupe a preparer d’Edinger

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Grande monture pour
loupe a preparer d’Edinger

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Microscope for the observation of
brain sections

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Microscope pour musées

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture B

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture C

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture D

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture F

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture Ib

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture IIb

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture III

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture IV

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture mineralogique C

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture mineralogique I

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture mineralogique II

Ernst Leitz (1906; 1907)
Monture mineralogique III

Ernst Leitz (1907)
Large travelling microscope

Ernst Leitz (1909; 1913; 1920)
Grand oculaire micrometrique

Ernst Leitz (1909)
Lampe a arc ‘Lilliput’

Ernst Leitz (1909)
Lentille condensatrice sur monture

Ernst Leitz (1909)
Platine a chariot automatique

Ernst Leitz (1910) The Microscope and some hints on how to
use it

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1915)
Binokulaire mikroskop

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1915)
Stativ A

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1915)
Stativ C

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1915)
Stativ E

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1915)
Stativ G

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1920)
Double demonstrating eyepiece

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1920)
Illuminating lens on stand

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1920)
Large mechanical stage

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1920)
Lilliput arc lamp with clockwork

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1920)
Lilliput arc lamp with three condensing lenses

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1920)
Lilliput lamp

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1920)
Luminiscence lamp

Ernst Leitz (1913; 1920)
Mechanical stage