Microscope Museum

Collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments




W. Watson & Sons (London, England)

Listed below are most microscopes, mechanical stages, lamps and/or other items pictured in the catalogues of this maker or retailer (for which I have a copy), including the information about the year each image appeared and a brief description.




Catalogue’s publication year

Observations from the catalogue

Watson (1884)

Bo. 5, the analyst’s microscope

Watson (1884)

Educational microscope

Watson (1884)

Mechanical stage

Watson (1884)

Microscope lamp for paraffin

Watson (1884)

No. 1, Jackson model binocular microscope stand

Watson (1884)

No. 2, Jackson model microscope

Watson (1884)

No. 3, standard microscope

Watson (1884)

No. 3a binocular microscope

Watson (1884)

No. 6, compact form, Jackson model microscope

Watson (1884)

Patent microscope stand

Watson (1884)

Portable microscope stand

Watson (1884)

The medical or college microscope

Watson (1884)

Wales’ form American microscope

Watson (1896)

Complete mounting cabinet

Watson (1896)

Dissecting microscope No. 11

Watson (1896)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand A

Watson (1896)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand B

Watson (1896)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand C

Watson (1896)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand D

Watson (1896)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand F

Watson (1896)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand H

Watson (1896)

Educational microscope

Watson (1896)

Histological microscope, stand A

Watson (1896)

Histological microscope, stand B

Watson (1896)

Microscope lamp for paraffin

Watson (1896)

Microscope lamp No. 254

Watson (1896)

No. 12 laboratory dissecting microscope

Watson (1896)

Portable microscope, stand B

Watson (1896)

Ramsden screw micrometer eyepiece

Watson (1896)

Research microscope

Watson (1896)

Scientist’s microscope

Watson (1896)

Student’s petrological microscope

Watson (1896)

Swinging stage microscope

Watson (1896)

The Grand Model Van Heurck microscope

Watson (1896)


Watson (1896)

Van Heurck microscope (B)

Watson (1896)

Van Heurck microscope stand B, with continental form of foot

Watson (1905)

Arcus microscope

Watson (1905)

Bactil microscope

Watson (1905)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand B

Watson (1905)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand D

Watson (1905)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand F

Watson (1905)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand H

Watson (1905)

Fram microscope

Watson (1905)

Leitz microscope stand IIb

Watson (1905)

Mechanical stage

Watson (1905)

Praxis microscope

Watson (1905)

The Royal microscope

Watson (1905)

Van Heurck grand model microscope

Watson (1905)

Van Heurck microscope No. 1

Watson (1906)

Advanced petrological microscope

Watson (1906)

Argus attachable mechanical stage

Watson (1906)

Argus microscope

Watson (1906)

Attachable mechanical stage

Watson (1906)

Bactil microscope

Watson (1906)

Club microscope

Watson (1906)

Complete mounting cabinet

Watson (1906)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand B

Watson (1906)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand D

Watson (1906)

Fram microscope

Watson (1906)

Grand model Van Heurck microscope

Watson (1906)

Holos Fram microscope

Watson (1906)

Incandescent gas lamp

Watson (1906)

Leitz auxiliary laboratory stand

Watson (1906)

Leitz dissecting microscope, with erected image after Prof. R. Pfeiffer

Watson (1906)

Leitz dissecting stage

Watson (1906)

Leitz Simplex dissecting microscope

Watson (1906)

Leitz stand IIa

Watson (1906)

Mechanical stage

Watson (1906)

Metallurgical microscope

Watson (1906)

Microscope lamp

Watson (1906)

Microscope lamp

Watson (1906)

Museum microscope

Watson (1906)

New scop mechanical stage

Watson (1906)

New standard electric lamp

Watson (1906)

No. 12, laboratory dissecting microscope

Watson (1906)

Portable microscope

Watson (1906)

Praxis microscope

Watson (1906)

Praxis petrological microscope

Watson (1906)

Premier microscope lamp

Watson (1906)

Ramsden’s screw micrometer eyepiece

Watson (1906)

Royal microscope

Watson (1906)

School microscope

Watson (1906)

School of mines petrological microscope

Watson (1906)

Scop bullseye stand condenser

Watson (1906)

Scop bullseye with mechanical adjustments

Watson (1906)

Special student’s microscope

Watson (1906)

Tripod Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand F

Watson (1906)

Tripod Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand H

Watson (1906)


Watson (1906)

Van Heurck microscope

Watson (1906)

Works metallurgical microscope

Watson (1912; 1918; 1921)

Complete cabinet for mounting

Watson (1912; 1918; 1921)

Turntable, ordinary pattern

Watson (1912; 1921)


Watson (1912; 1921)

Facile ball-bearing turntable

Watson (1912; 1921)

Microscope gas lamp

Watson (1912; 1921)

Premier lamp

Watson (1912; 1921)

Screw micrometer eyepiece

Watson (1912)

Attachable mechanical stage

Watson (1912)

Auxiliary range stage

Watson (1912)

Bactil microscope IV

Watson (1912)


Watson (1912)

Circuit stage Van Heurck

Watson (1912)

Club portable microscope

Watson (1912)

Dissecting microscope

Watson (1912)

Dissecting microscope

Watson (1912)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand D

Watson (1912)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand F

Watson (1912)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand H

Watson (1912)

Electric standard lamp

Watson (1912)

Fram microscope

Watson (1912)

Gas lamp

Watson (1912)

Grand model Van Heurck

Watson (1912)

High power portable microscope

Watson (1912)

Junior mechanical stage

Watson (1912)

Junior metallurgical microscope

Watson (1912)

Lens holders

Watson (1912)

Naturalist’s microscope

Watson (1912)

Naturalist’s microscope

Watson (1912)

Nernst microscope lamp

Watson (1912)

No. 1, Van Heurk

Watson (1912)

Non-inclinable microscope

Watson (1912)

Petrol vapour incandescent gas lamp

Watson (1912)

Petrological advanced

Watson (1912)

Petrological Praxis

Watson (1912)

Petrological school of mines

Watson (1912)

Praxis microscope

Watson (1912)

Research microscope

Watson (1912)

Royal microscope

Watson (1912)

School microscope

Watson (1912)

Senior mechanical stage

Watson (1912)

Simplex dissecting microscope

Watson (1912)

Standard lamp

Watson (1912)

Standard microscope Mk. I

Watson (1912)

Stiles universal lamp

Watson (1912)

Student’s lamp

Watson (1912)

The horizontal model

Watson (1912)

The No. 1, metallurgical microscope

Watson (1912)

The Waterhouse pattern, museum microscope

Watson (1912)

The works microscope model

Watson (1912)

Tripod dissecting microscope

Watson (1912)

Watson scop stage

Watson (1912)

Watson standard pattern

Watson (1912)

Zeiss stand IV

Watson (1918; 1921; 1924)

Scop bullseye

Watson (1918; 1921)

Argus hand-free arc lamp

Watson (1918; 1921)

Standard lamp

Watson (1918)

Attachable mechanical stage

Watson (1918)

Circuir stage Van Heurck microscope

Watson (1918)

Edinburgh student’s microscope stand F

Watson (1918)

Edinburgh student’s microscope stand H

Watson (1918)

Junior mechanical stage

Watson (1918)

Junior metallurgical microscope

Watson (1918)

Metallurgical microscope No. 1

Watson (1918)

Metallurgical microscope Vulcan model

Watson (1918)

Metallurgical microscope works model

Watson (1918)

Praxis microscope

Watson (1918)

Research microscope

Watson (1918)

Screw micrometer eyepiece

Watson (1918)

Senior mechanical stage

Watson (1918)

Standard microscope

Watson (1921)


Alpha-skeleton attachable mechanical stage

Watson (1921)

Bactil microscope

Watson (1921)

Beta mechanical stage

Watson (1921)

Circuit stage Van Heurck microscope

Watson (1921)

Club portable microscope

Watson (1921)

Dissecting stand

Watson (1921)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand F

Watson (1921)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand H

Watson (1921)

Grand model Van Heurck

Watson (1921)

Greenough microscope with metal fork only

Watson (1921)

Greenough type binocular microscope

Watson (1921)

Junior mechanical stage

Watson (1921)

Laboratory dissecting microscope

Watson (1921)

Laboratory electric lamp

Watson (1921)

Murray’s long range attachable stage

Watson (1921)

Museum microscope, Waterhouse pattern

Watson (1921)

No. 1, Van Heurck microscope

Watson (1921)

Physicians’ outfit

Watson (1921)

Praxis microscope

Watson (1921)

Research microscope

Watson (1921)

Royal microscope

Watson (1921)

Senior mechanical stage

Watson (1921)

Service microscope

Watson (1921)

Service microscope

Watson (1921)

Simplex dissecting microscope

Watson (1921)

Universal dissecting microscope

Watson (1924; c. 1930)

Physicians’ outfit

Watson (1924; c1930)

Bactil microscope

Watson (1924; c1930)

Complete cabinet for mounting

Watson (1924; c1930)

Facile ball-bearing turntable

Watson (1924; c1930)

Screw micrometer eyepiece

Watson (1924; c1930)

The KBB mercury lamp for microscope work

Watson (1924; c1930)

The KBB mercury lamp for microscope work

Watson (1924)

Alpha attachable mechanical stage

Watson (1924)

Argus hand-free arc lamp

Watson (1924)

Bactil microscope

Watson (1924)

Beta attachable mechanica stage

Watson (1924)

Circuit stage Van Heurck

Watson (1924)

Club portable microscope

Watson (1924)

Dissecting metal base

Watson (1924)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand F

Watson (1924)

Edinburgh student’s microscope, stand H

Watson (1924)

Gas lamp

Watson (1924)

Grand model Van Heurck

Watson (1924)

Greenough binocular microscope

Watson (1924)

Greenough binocular microscope (pattern 2)

Watson (1924)

Greenough binocular microscope (pattern 2)

Watson (1924)

Greenough microscope with metal fork only

Watson (1924)

Horizontal or reading microscope

Watson (1924)

Junior mechanical stage

Watson (1924)

Kima microscope

Watson (1924)

Laboratory dissecting microscope

Watson (1924)

Laboratory electric lamp

Watson (1924)

Murray’s long range attachable mechanical stage

Watson (1924)

Museum microscope, Waterhouse pattern

Watson (1924)

No. 1, Van Heurck

Watson (1924)

Praxis microscope

Watson (1924)

Premier lamp

Watson (1924)

Research microscope

Watson (1924)

Royal microscope