Listed below are most
microscopes, mechanical stages, lamps and/or other items pictured in the
catalogues of this maker or retailer (for which I have a copy), including
the information about the year each image appeared and a brief description.
publication year
from the catalogue

M Pillischer’s catalogue (1873)
Best students’ microscope

M Pillischer’s catalogue (1873)
Improved medical microscope

M Pillischer’s catalogue (1873)
Improved smaller microscope

M Pillischer’s catalogue (1873)
Improved smaller microscope stand, binocular

M Pillischer’s catalogue (1873)
Large improved
microscope stand

M Pillischer’s catalogue (1873)
New St. Thomas’s Hospital microscope

M Pillischer’s catalogue (1873)
Pillischer’s £5 proze medal

M Pillischer’s catalogue (1873)
Reading and microscope lamp